
Welcome to Cornerstone Web Studio

Meet Our Team

We live and breathe marketing, every conversation, every design, every decision is made to increase your ROI and develop a memorable experience for your customers. So whether you’re just getting started or just trying to diagnose the shortcomings of an existing campaign, we’re here to help!


Operations Manager

As a mother of 3 (or 4 if you count the husband, girls you know what I’m talking about), my favorite thing about Cornerstone is that our team & our clients are like a second family. I’m amazed at how much God has blessed our business and how He has blessed so many businesses through the hard work of our team. It truly is the best job on earth to pour into other people.

Favorite Food

French Macarons & Black Coffee

Favorite Activity

Making Hand Drawn Greeting Cards

Favorite Movie

The Holiday

Secret Super Power

Ability to Insta-Cleaning Anything
aka Mary Poppins on Crack

Favorite Travel Spot

Disneyland, umm duh!

Guilty Pleasure

Hiding deserts from my kids & husband


Client Success Manager

Jen starts every morning with a cup of coffee and a “let’s make it happen” attitude. As the Client Success Manager for Cornerstone, she is focused on creating a smooth experience for both the client and the team. Like a Digital Adventure Guide, Jen comes alongside clients, walking them through potentially unfamiliar terrain.

Favorite Superpower

Super Communicator! To speak and understand all languages (animals included).

Coffee Order

Americano with Honey and cream. (Iced or hot depending on the weather)

Favorite Season


Guilty Pleasure

Spending a whole day reading.

Favorite Hobbies

Rock Climbing and Reading

Favorite Conspiracy

Birds Aren’t Real


Marketing & Communications Director

Ashlee loves putting each client’s vision into words and helping those words climb to the top of the search engines. She’s a certified coffee fanatic (with a knack for creative and SEO writing) who loves building relationships with clients just as much as she enjoys helping their businesses grow.

Go-To Drink Order

Iced chai

Favorite Thing to Do

Take my kids on adventures

Coolest Place You Have Been



I am the oldest of 5!

Guilty Pleasure

Self-care Saturdays and too much caffeine ✨

If You Could Have Any Superpower, What Would It Be?

Teleporting (to See My Nieces and Nephews!)


Lead Web Designer/Developer

A jack of all trades, a master of some. Thought of fondly as a web wizard by many, Terry delivers dynamic designs and complex features to make our clients websites shine. Terry brings over a decade’s worth of experience in marketing to the table to not only make websites that look good, but are also geared towards success.

Favorite Foods

Sushi, Yaki Udon, & Smoothies


Iced Vanilla Latte, even in the winter.

Favorite Hobbies

Making music, and working out.

Dream Vacation


Favorite Book

Goethe’s Faust

Fun Fact

Prior service USMC


Web Developer/Designer

I enjoy exceeding a customers expectations by executing the work quickly and delivering the wow factor. I find satisfaction in the challenges of my work and the rewarding feeling of overcoming obstacles along the way. Learning new keyboard shortcuts reminds me of finding new chords on the guitar, perhaps that why I like shortcuts so much!

Biggest Motivation in Life

Wife, three daughters & my son

Favorite pastime

Camping, or just being in nature

Favorite Coffee


Favorite Color Format

Hexadecimal. RGB is too long.

Favorite Movie

The Shawshank Redemption

Fun Fact

I used to rollerskate, a lot.


Content Writer

Julia loves connecting with people every day through her writing. She enjoys taking time to understand and find the unique aspects of each of our client’s businesses. Crafting words to express the unique sensibilities of each company, while also balancing the need for keywords and SEO is a constant challenge that she enjoys undertaking every day.

Coolest place you have been

the original road that ends in Rome

Favorite Movie


Dream Vacation

a tropical island with my husband and our daughter

Fun Fact

I naturally have a green thumb

Favorite Book

anything by Terry Pratchett, Watership Down, Good Omens, most Stephen King novels… and more



Kyle is excited by three things each day: his first cup of coffee, new and interesting opportunities for videography, and working with a super chill team. Here at Cornerstone, he is able to merge all three of those factors into a cohesive whole.

Favorite Food

Mac & Cheese

Favorite Movie


Favorite Music

Anything by Sleeping at Last

Favorite Hobby

Motorcycle Riding

Perfect Evening

Watching a sunset with my new bride


Sales & Marketing

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Best Thing About Living

My wife & kids

Fun Fact

I once put a $20 bill in a slot machine and hit “Max bet” on accident and won $200

Do you still believe in Santa Claus?


Secret Super Power

I will eat just about anything and not get sick

Favorite Food

Carrot cake

Favorite Color




Teresa gets excited thinking about how to make a photoshoot fun and memorable. She knows many people aren’t comfortable with the process, so she makes a mission of connecting in a way that helps clients relax and laugh. Even if they’re laughing at her!

Fun fact about yourself

The first time I summited Mt Hood I was 6 years old.

Guilty pleasure

Binge watching Hallmark Christmas movies all year long.

Best career title

Chief Inspiration Officer

Favorite dessert

Chips and salsa

How do you “give back” to the community

In 2021 I became a deployable member of Portland Mountain Rescue. PMR’s motto is saving lives through rescue and mountain safety education.

Favorite local escape

Carson Hot Springs in the Columbia Gorge for a hot mineral bath and towel wrap.


The name’s Bob. James Bob.

Bob is a certified Executive Leadership Coach who has been mentoring and coaching leaders and leadership teams for over 38 years. He says being a member of the Cornerstone Team is encouraging and fulfilling as
we are able to offer a broad spectrum of services to our clients that are uniquely specific to their leadership team and organization as a whole. Bob enjoys golf, fishing, and other outdoor sports. He is married to Anita.

Favorite Food

Sushi or Thai Food

Favorite Movie

About Time

Favorite Color


Dream Vacation


Writing Utensil

Pilot G-2 Black

Weird Skill

Sewing Ninja

Mark Savage Cornerstone Web Studio


Lion Tamer

Mark began Cornerstone for three reasons: he loves to connect with people, he saw the need for good web design, and wants to see local businesses grow. As the Cornerstone team has increased, so has his excitement in seeing his customers expand their companies and take on new regions and customers. Mark is a natural connector, and he is proud to make a personal connection with each new customer, bringing them into the Cornerstone family and helping each of our clients flourish.

Best Thing About Living

My wife & my girls

Fun fact about yourself?

Engaged in >1 Month, Married in >5 Months

Are you multilingual?

Yes = #googletranslate

Favorite Food

Everything I could eat in my 20s

Do you still believe in Santa Claus?

Absolutely! & UFOs & Bigfoot (Love ya big guy)

Favorite Color


I would like to know more


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